Birthplace: United StatesLocation: Miami, Florida, United States
Ethnicity: Latina
Hair Color: Black
Birthday:July 18
Added: Aug 30th 2010
Views: 149811
Oct 6 2018 This beautiful girl died of a fentanyl overdose. RIP Ms Hernandez.
--Used2Lover ,United StatesHer curves are damn sexy. Cannot get better than her.
--Craig ,United StatesU should come back tho
--Pmpkn ,United States8 years ago this girl was an absolute angel. Then she had to go and have all that surgery and filler. I'm sorry but I think she looked like a super model before the surgery. But it's her body and she can do what ever she wants to it. As long as she is happy. Stay strong and safe. May your life be filled with lots of joy and happiness.
--Dreamer ,CanadaAlexa is absolutely Exotic, absolutely BEAUTIFUL. XOXO
--Reinaldo. ,ColombiaAlexa ..... I would feel very happy taking you by the hand and walking through the mall and watching the jealousy of others. My love.
--Reinaldo. ,ColombiaHot
--Hunter ,United StatesHai exotica
--Zahed king ,United StatesWhat a body! GODDAMN GIRL!!!!!!!!
--Wayne ,United StatesHer body went from drag strip (straight away) to a road track (all curves) and I Luv it. HBD Alexa More pics Please!
--Funboi ,United StatesI want to fuck ur ass Mz sexyz text me at 2056021651
--phillip ,United Statesif you want to fuck her so bad just visit miami, she's an escort.
--that guy ,United StatesIs that ass real? It's unbelievable!
--Billy ,United StatesPure Sex! Alexa's body is to die for.
--Person ,United StatesShe looks super mega gorgeous! Want to lick her asshole so bad! Bet it tastes so delicious, and her armpits too! Her big lovely booty looks so yummy! I want to beg her to fart in my mouth! (*^_^*)
--Aeolus ,Great BritainBlew my load all over myself :(
--Too ,United Statesmmm sexy girl, nice big dick, I want her semen deep inside my ass
--raul ,United StatesI don't think it gets much better than this babe.
--Dave ,United StatesGreat evolution, she´s amazing and gorgeous.
--Joe ,ColombiaWhat an amazing ass. Please sit on my cock!
--bigbart ,United Statessexy, I want your pussyass..
--raul ,United Statesiam in love,i want your cock and pussy
--jp ,unitedstate ,United Statesi bang your nasty pussy
--jp ,unitedstate ,United Stateswant to see a cum shot please.
--mdw ,United Statesi am moving to miami
--jp ,unitedstates ,United Stateswhen we meet?
--jp ,unitedstates ,United Statesyou make feel so nasty to the point that i want you to piss allover my face
--jp ,unitedstates ,United Statesi'll do anything to suck your gorgeous cock
--gio unitedstates ,United Statesgrande gnocca ti scopo quella bocca e sborro sul reggiseno
--gio' italy ,United Statesgorgeous outfit keep it on while i suck your cock
--jp ,unitedstates ,United Stateswhat a fucking beauty i start licking your heels and every inch of your body
--jp ,unitedstates ,United Statesgorgeous cock sucker face and lips
--jp ,unitedstates ,United Statesmore pics please... her toes are perfect, want to suck them so bad,she is so hot
--mdw ,United States
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