Birthplace: United StatesLocation: Texas, United States
Ethnicity: Black
Stats: 32-28-41
Height: 5'10"(178cm)
Weight: 165 lbs(75kg)
Birthday:March 29
Added: Jan 31st 2013
Views: 67761
Beautiful. Great ass. Love.
--Stuart ,United StatesPretty much the complete package... the ass, cock, face, and chewy nipples
--brisy ,Great BritainSweetness Amber I want to kiss your rich mouth, your round butt ... that way I would begin to love you.
--Reinaldo. ,Colombia@ Fred G. Sanford, Amber Coxx had facial reconstitution surgery. My best friend from high school didn't look like a man, Amber Coxx took facial reconstitution surgery to favor a little like my best friend from high school. Get your full story right before you speak or comment about someone; do deep research or something Fred G. Sanford?. Stop trying to be Redd Foxx, we all know that Redd Foxx from Sanford and Son past away in 1992. So who you really are, "FRED"?. Some copycat or something? LOL!!!
--Joyce Steele ,United States@ Joyce Steele, you had a biological woman who you was friends with that had a man's face? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, lol! Very funny!!!
--Fred G. Sanford ,United StatesAmber Coxx is beautiful. Reminds me of my best friend from high school! The only difference is that my high school friend was cisgender with Amber Coxx's face.
--Joyce Steele ,United StatesAmber Coxx? Sounds like a cable company in Virginia.
--Jim Bob ,United Statesu need some dick on film now.
--ron ,United Statesshe think she's 2 cute
--ron ,United StatesPerfect package.
--Paul ,FinlandHi honey!! Have a nice birthday tomorrow!!! You are a Superbe Beauty!!! You are an ebony jewel!!! SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICSEXYBODYLICIOUS!!! You make people melt like hot chocolate on a pear!!!!!
--Odysseus 58 ,ItalyWhoa, this is the one!
--ChiefIronhand ,United StatesHappy Birthday beautiful babydoll!!!
--roaddogg ,United StatesAmber, you're a beautiful baby. My desire: first to kiss your beautiful lips and then all ALL your delights ... my love. Xoxo.
--Reinaldo. ,ColombiaLet me be the one dear.
--Dee14u ,United StatesDam ur hot as i love those nipples and that nice booty cant wait to suck ur tits and cock then tongue ur arse then fuck u
--Ladyboy lover ,AustraliaBlack .... is beautyfills
--Sancho ,SpainWant to suck on ur tits lick fuck ur Beautiful Sexyz body baby text me 2055290586
--phillip ,United StatesI could marry this beauty.
--Joe ,ColombiaShe's very sexy!
--MD ,United StatesA sweet black angel. Would love to marry you Amber. ,United StatesI have a fetish for black T girls with shaved erect cocks. And Ambers titties are MMMMMM. Nothing better than fantasizing about being with Amber and jerking off to a fantastic orgasm.
--K ,CanadaI want ur ass an dick in my face Mz Sexyz
--phillip pastor ,United Statesshe is so hot in person,beautiful golden her looks!
--roaddogg ,United StatesAnd NO! I didnt put my name on here either! But im not the one on here stalkin people!! YOU JACKASS!!!
--No name ,United StatesI mean dam amber say sumthin to this racist motherfucker! Im offended and IM WHITE!! Black Stranger dude..... you mite have to change your name. Because that crazy SOB is just gonna keep stalking ya. Hell he/she probably likes you LOL! Shit thats gotta be it..... why would they track you down so hard? With allllllllll these beautiful tgirls on here this weirdo gets on here to talk to you. And the coward NEVER leaves a name!! WTF!!!
--Black Stranger ,United StatesIve been getting on here for a while and we all love what we see. I was reading a comment that was left after and about black stranger. Lol and whats crazy is who ever the idiot is..... finds time outta his/her busy fucking schedule to follow this guy an say mean things to him. 1st those remarks sound flat out racists..2nd i know follow him around because ive seen where you constantly bother the guy!
--No name ,United StatesI'll bet every part of her and her cum all taste good.
--Luke ,United StatesI still wantur beautiful body
--phillip ,United StatesSuch a beautiful ans sexy nubian goddess...mmmm
--tempest6969@ ,United Statesluv the way she spreads her choco hole..
--brisy ,Great Britainche bella negra tutta da inculare!
--ebony lover ,ItalyU iz one fine peese o hottee. U iz so purtee I don no wat ta do. I bet use got all dem boyz ackin 2 b wit u. Bb I luv ur FAT AZZ. I woodnt last 5 minuts in DAT fine bootee... U needs 2 call me Bb soz I can tap DAT azz. Why u not put up Moore pics sweety. I iz shure use iz da 1s DAT puts up da pics. So puts up sum Moore pics Bb. Ur dick iz finer Dan a MUTHAFUCKA. I bets it tast like sweet chucklate. I bet ur man iz da happeest man in da hole world. Ifn I wuz ur fella I wood tap DAT azzeveryday anna all note. Bb I needz ta shoot a lood a jizz lookin at dem fine pics u be postin. IMA leev my phone nos cuz datz a good idee a on a site like dis. Pleez given me a call soz I can TAP DAT FINE AZZ A URS!!! I Betz u like ta kiss 2. I wan 2 so bad Bb.
--DABLACKGUY ,United StatesPoint blank you look like a model PERIOD. And im prrrretty sure you gotta man cuz aint nothing around lookin like you is single. Your eyes jus drives me stupid... i would have to jack off before having sex with you. Bcuz NOOOOO MAN could last in that booty for more than 10 min especially if your already STIFF HARD AND HORNY AS A MUTHAFUCKA. Why did you stop with the pics?? Hits us with more.... PLEASE! Im sure i speak for everybody. And o yea you gotta one PRETTY ASS DICK DAM! And i mite b wrong but you look like you love to kiss
--BLACK STRANGER ,United StatesNow she has a Reality TV Show based in Houston, Texas called Houston Beauty. Check Amber out there.
--John ,United Statesi'lleat your cum
--jp ,unitedstate ,United StatesSweet smooth spread booty Amber, nice smooth cock and balls, nice tits and nipples. Please show more.
--NJlicks ,United Statesi just love this one here ,nyce for real
--Derrick.B ,United Statessupergorgeous i love to lick your sexy heels and cock and balls
--jp ,NYC ,United StatesHot and sexy Amber, sweet smooth ass, cock and balls, very nice tits and nipples. Please show more.
--NJlicks ,United Statesshe's such a cutie and gorgeous is an understatement I would cum in her mouth and ass about 9 times a day
--Big one ,United StatesAmbers a very pretty shemale. She has a really nice ass and smile!
--Jason Mc USA ,United Stateswhat a cock baby,gorgeous,gorgeous,fucking gorgeous
--jp ,unitedstate ,United StatesI'll suck ur tits an lick ur asshole call me 205-602-1651
--phillip ,United Statessweet,sweet,sweet bet she is all bottom love too fuck her
--ron ,United Statesooooo...nice and juicy. want to see more of her
--derrick ,United Statesooooo...nice and juicy. want to see more of her
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