u need some dicks on film.
--ron ,United StatesShe is beautiful. More please
--Dave ,CanadaGuy girl whatever, looks good to me and I'm a very attractive guy and I approve, I can comfortably say with no hesitation I'm in tip top shape, no belly, a looker, etc, I'm certain some of you dudes talking shit about can't say the same, guy girl or whatever, I'd fuck
--Anonymous ,United StatesThe only thing I want from Aviva Romelli is for me to tap that nice, form Ass. If I get to fuck that ass and watch Aviva pre-cum from that nice sized Cock then I will make Aviva Romelli feel like a woman, with or without a wig,non-op or pre-op. Since Transwomen was born as a male, a man can't get a Transwoman pregnant, it doesn't even matter if a Transwoman is post-op she will not get pregnant.
--Larry ,United StatesI want this man to fuck me in my ass, jam his Dick in my mouth, and marry me. Love this guy.
--ch ,United StatesOh là là ! Elle est BELLISSIME ! Et quelle teub, mes aïeux ! Quelles couilles aussi !! On ne doit pas savoir par où commencer, avec elle, tellement les moindres parcelles de son corps ou de son visage sont attirantes...
--Alain ,FranceThat's not a wig, dumb asses
--tiann ,CanadaI would have them balls swingin'!!!
--roaddogg ,United StatesTake the wig off and I'ld still fuck this femboy's little sexy ass,I'll make that big black cock go a swinging while I'm a pounding!!!
--roaddogg ,United StatesI don't care! As long as he looks good with that wig on I'd still fuck.
--Jay ,United StatesYou're joking, RIGHT? a guy puts on a wig and you guys go wild! LMFAO
--knight4444 ,United StatesBeat my meat silly over you girl!
--roaddogg ,United StatesI'ld busta' nut all over that ass!
--roaddogg ,United StatesOh Aviva R. Your sexy I luve everything about you I'd put my hard cock inside you I'd be pounding your ass for hours you'd be moaning all night and when I'm done your ass is completely filled with my hot cum.
--Hunter22 ,United StatesFuck me hard and after you cum in my ass and I am wasted, pull your wig off so I can see the real you I can love. Marry me?
--ch ,United StatesUntamed arousal.
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