Birthplace: United StatesLocation: Los Angeles, California, United States
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 6'8"(203cm)
Weight: 140 lbs(64kg)
Birthday:June 29, 1964
Died: 2011
Added: Mar 9th 2010
Views: 86806
She's 6ft8in - even more to love about her.I hope she's not passed. It would really upset me. I adore american women and especially american TS's.
--Admirus ,United StatesNasty looking tranny, I love that. I'm going to whack off in her memory.
--Paul ,FinlandThere's not another t-girl with legs as long as hers. Just wow! What the fuck does it matter if someone is dead or not? Jacking off to them has nothing to do with necrophilia. They were once pretty, beautiful, and lively women. You're then saying that people shouldn't jack-off to vintage porn or gorgeous actresses of the 50's and 60's. Get the fuck on with those comments, seriously.
--Morpheus913 ,United Stateswhat's thee big deal,,dead or alive,you fantasize in doing someone,is a virtual thing,whacking off in the name of someone dead,that doesn't make you a necrophiliac,,,,
--Abel 2 Boogie ,United StatesEh ! 2m03 pour 64kg : il doit y avoir une erreur quelque part ou alors il n'y aurait pas toute cette belle enveloppe autour de son squelette !! Quelle idée saugrenue, par ailleurs, de se coller toujours des ventouses sur les tétons ? Ca gâche notre plaisir...
--Alain ,FranceIt's always fun to see people like viscera go out of their way to make themselves look absolutely stupid.
--Honest Abe ,United Statesbellissima americana la più alta trans di questo sito, lei era una grande musicista, suonava la chitarra elettrica, ci sono alcuni video su YOU TUBE, sarebbe stato bellissimo se avrebbe girato dei video hard, che riposi in pace
--WILLIAM 1979, ITALIA ,Italy@viscera, Should we just forget them, then? Nobody is telling you to whack off to them, man.
--Exotix ,AustraliaGet these dead bitches off the site nobody should want to whack off to dead ass gross
--viscera ,United StatesJust found her on this site. I heard she died five maybe six years ago.
--Jackson Hunt ,United Statesbad
--oectn ,United Statesneed more pics,, looks nice.
--mdw ,United StatesShe sure gets my heart pumping faster
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