Birthplace: United StatesLocation: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Ethnicity: Latina
Birthday:August 5, 1991
Added: Oct 9th 2013
Views: 57905
Amazing, this girl is about as close to perfect as you can het
--Abe ,United StatesShe has a gorgeous asshole. Wish she was still in the business. Wonder if she is still in North CackaLacka?
--Ron C ,United StatesAnother cutie I'd make my Wifey.
--LuvMeThemQts ,United StatesShe was a boy!???
--Curbstomp ,ItalyYou have an absolutely perfect and gorgeous asshole!! I seriously mean it is so perfect! Please model more for us! It has been quite a long time since you last graced us with your gorgeous body. You're a superstar baby. Need more of you all the time!
--cb ,United StatesI love to bottom so I would prefer her dick was bigger, but she has such a nice feminine body I want to just suck her dick, pound her ass bareback, and swallow her cum. I like to be rough.
--Pehtonk The Godhead ,United Statesche bella frocia dal cazzetto moscio che sei,ti scullaccerei e inculerei per ore e ore.
--ebony lover ,ItalyMoi qui suis amateur de belles jambes, je ne suis pas déçu en regardant celles de Cali Jay (dommage qu'on ne les voit pas sur plus de photos). Et comme le reste est plutôt sympa, ça ne gâte rien. Je suis sous son charme !
--Alain ,FranceI love that beautiful pussy.
--The Observer ,United StatesStunner!!! perfect cock.
--German ,Russian FederationNice
--Subesh.k ,United StatesNo offense to SMXXX, but I HATED the Halloween themed shoot...but, damn that girl is sexy and the camera obviously loves her. What a beautiful, bewitching smile she has...she absolutely ROCKED the schoolgirl outfit. I saw the latest pics of her as a blond (yum!), but I prefer (with her dark coloring) her as a redhead. And that body is perfect AS IS...pleeeeze, more of this girl: I think she's gonna be a star!
--HoustonBackPackMan ,United StatesLike to look at Cali all the time. Pretty face, great body, love her asshole completely.
--Frantastic ,United StatesId slowly enjoy fucking your gorgeous ass and squeezing those nice titties. Of course jerking you off at the same time,
--K ,United StatesIm also frm the GBORO area an i think ur sexy as fuck baby. Nt 2 sound creepy bt i wood like it if we got n contact wit one another. my # is 3364598673
--DABLACKSTRANGER ,United StatesOk i gave u my # bt im so nervous i got one # wrong. My # is 3364598673 i hope 2 hear frm u
--DABLACKSTRANGER ,United StatesVery sexy i jus came across ur pics an im definetly feelin them. i knw u dont me bt the only thing im askin 4 is a fone call an sum conversation sum time. 3364598973 im also n the gboro area
--DABLACKSTRANGER ,United StatesYour skeletal photo set is fucking twisted sexy!!! (more pleez!)
--A-thority ,United StatesVery good looking. Nice smooth cock. Yummy titties. I came looking at you sitting as a skeleton.MMMMM
--K ,CanadaMy cock just sprung a leak
--c ,United StatesYou look so tasty Cali. I want to taste you and be deep inside you.
--Luke ,United Statesvery hot, love the outfit love to see your toes
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