Birthplace: New York City, New York, United StatesLocation: Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Ethnicity: Mixed race
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'10"(178cm)
Birthday:August 2
Added: Nov 26th 2014
Views: 46365
She can run me up her big flagpole anytime
--Dave ,AustraliaHi, it's very nice to meet you ShemaleStarsDB County Sheriff: Brooke, the crazy White Lady from NYC!
--Briana Green, horny White lady!!! ,United StatesCeleste Quaymar, lol! Just another bitch want-a-be doggie who have jungle fever just like that whore, "Chanel Couture". L.O.L, ha, ha, ha!!! Two whores having a Threesome with a White dude! L.O.L!!!!!
--Big Bubba the REDNECK!!! ,United StatesThat's an easy Question to answer, Miss Joyce Steele. He was a gay man on the Down Low who was afraid to get a man out of fear of getting killed or facing discrimination, so he became a she and live a full life as a woman so he can get a man to be with. Case closed for this comment. I'm Jim Bob and I approve this comment that I posted.
--Jim Bob ,United StatesIt's great to hear two more biological Women on this website! Joyce Steele and Briana Green the Horny White Lady! Briana Green the Horny White Lady meet me, Brooke the Crazy White Lady from Queens, NY. There is a new Sheriff in Town, "Shemale Stars Database County Sheriff Brooke"! LOL!!!
--Brooke the Crazy White Woman from NYC! ,United StatesCeleste Quaymar favors a little like Dawn Marie a Black TransWoman YouTube Vlogger. They don't look the same but favors a little.
--Briana Green, horny White lady!!! ,United StatesWhy would this cute, handsome young man want to live a life like a beautiful young lady. Celeste Quaymar is so fine!
--Joyce Steele ,United Statestime for your come back where r u?
--ron ,United StatesNice
--Hunter ,United StatesDefinitely ready for the transition into your womanhood. Can't wait for more of your pictures.
--dee14u ,United StatesWhere is this beauty now, is she still as gorgeous and sexy now as she was then. Come back Celeste please I love you.
--Stewart ,Great BritainBabies,mommy, wifey right there, tight asspussy too.
--CEE CEE, NYC ,United Statesche bel frocione chissà che bocchini meravigliosi che fai con quei labbroni, te lo metterei in bocca dopo averti inculato per bene.
--ebony lover ,ItalyHot doll, really beautiful.
--Joe ,Colombiawhere you at sexy boots? bring your sexy ass back!
--roaddogg ,United Statesthe hair looks great on you,love your face, so adorable to me.
--roaddogg ,United Statestrop belle,la femme ideale
--dan ,MartiniqueI Luv your mole and how that oak tree just grows out of that forest.
--Funboi ,United Statesgirl gimme some of your chocolate puddin pop, another cutie.
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