I love her with the blonde hair spreading her hole wide open for me to lick and suck
--Dave ,Australiar.i.p - much missed sincerely your love
--jon ,Great BritainJizelle just does it for me. Very sexy girl! But no new pics since 2013?! I hope she is alright.
--DallasBeautiful sexy legs !!!!
--Silverado ,United StatesShe’s just so cute! Just the perfect woman
--Venus ,Great BritainLove to caress her natural bobbies as I kiss her, then hump her beautiful rump
--Dave ,AustraliaLove to swallow your jizz Jizelle!!!!
--Oral shemale lover ,United StatesI am in love.
--John UK ,Great BritainDesde la primera vez que lo ví me encantó! HERMOSO! Ya sea pelirrojo, morocho, wero todos los looks le quedan con esa carita angelical; me vuelve loco un vid donde esta con miedo de que lo cachen mientras se la jala! :O Super sexy y con esos pies uuuuuuuuuufff... El novio que presumiría a todo mundo! Lo único que pediría es que sus papis no le hubieran mochado el pipí, me da curiosidad como se le vería la verguilla completa
--Bob Esponjosito ,MexicoHow did this beauty sneak by me
--Thomas ,United StatesDELICIOUS
--Harry ,Belgiumlove you
--sere ,United StatesHer birthplace is the country of Canada according to Canada-Tgirl .com.
--B. Barr ,United StatesWow, she reminds me of Famke Janssen
--Shooter ,United StatesBlonde, brune ou rouquine, c'est sans conteste l'une des plus belles et des plus sexy... et aussi l'une des meilleures baiseuses, si l'on en juge par des clips trouvés par ailleurs. J'ai envie de tout faire avec elle !
--Alain ,FranceSeductively hot. Love her as a brunette. Very nice tits and an ass that begs to be fucked.
--Abe ,United Statesstp viens faire un tour a la ville quebec pour un souper en tete a tete et faire dodo ensemble vraiment tres jolie I LOVE YOU xxx
--redge ,CanadaJizelle is so gorgeous. Please show some more updated pictures of this beautiful girl. We all would love to fuck that sexy body of hers. That body is perfect in every way!!!
--Dreamer ,CanadaYou are my dream Jizelle.
--Nonito ,Polandwould jizz all over her....
--brisy ,Great BritainA real hot canadian babe. Jizelle is absolutely marvelous.
--Joe ,ColombiaI want to cum on her lovely feet. The lick them clean.
--Tranny Lover ,United StatesLove that sexy chub of belly and cuvry butt.
--luvbutt ,United StatesMagnifique ! Si je viens un jour au Québec, voudrez-vous me servir de guide ?
--Alain ,FranceShe better not have cut that dick off, that's one of her best features. Jizelle you are a true beauty when are you coming to Nova scotia? ;)
--JACK ,United StatesDamn she is jus so sexy would suck that cock need new pics
--big jit ,United StatesJizelle is absolutely gorgeous,I must have her.
--charles simpson ,Great BritainNice voice.
--Frantastic ,United StatesBooty,dick,thick sexy legs and 1 GORGEOUS FACE! An ur dick is PERFECT I COULD SUCK THAT THING ALL NITE. An by the way i hope this doesnt offend but u remind me of that woman that played jean on x-men movie an she also played n the taken movies. Ur very beautiful
--DABLACKSTRANGER ,United Statesi love to cum allover your mouth
--jp ,unitedstate ,United Statesjizelle es tan bella tan femenina tan mujer. Posee un rostro tan hermoso, con unos ojos divinos, una sonrisa maravillosa, un cuerpo de diosa, es una de las transexsuales mas divinas del mundo. ojala nunca deje de hacer fotos y vídeos para no privarnos de ver tanta belleza junta en una misma persona. mario - argentina.
--mario ,Argentinabeautiful
--T.J ,United StatesChameleon Jizelle is the complete package, Dark-haired Temptress, Blonde Bombshell or Fiery Redhead, I'll take the lot!
--Chris, Scotland ,Great BritainI'd eat that ass in a heartbeat.
--TAJ ,United Statesgreg,, feet and toe pics are where she is in purple out fit posing by sink..
--mdw ,United StatesJizelle I love You
--Alejandro ,United StatesYES! She´s beauty and delicious, but where is the pics with her little feet??
--Greg ,Brazilso hot.. love your toes and feet,, would love to worship them.. love to worship all of her,, love to taste her.. please show more
--mdw ,United StatesI prefer bigger dicks but she just so sexy. I would marry her if she lets me swallow her cum 3 times a week.
--Pehtonk ,United StatesI want her to jizz in my mouth!
--Johnny ,CanadaShe's completely awesome. She got to have my baby.
--derrick ,United StatesShe's very pretty. She has a lovely ass.
--Muttley ,United Statesshe looks like jean grey of x-men series, whatever that broad's name.
--arthur rimbaud ,TurkeyWhat a beauty! Her eyes are to die for. Imagine spending a night with her. Looking into those eyes while sucking her off. Then being inside her when she ejaculates.
--k ,CanadaJizelle is just truly sexy, beautiful and amazing. love her hot cock, face, butthole, nipples, legs and feet. She's sexy everywhere made me so hard to. I love you Jizelle.
--matt ,United StatesIs it me or does she look like Rachel Weisz
--James ,United StatesOh how I would luv to see her cum and taste her jiz! Want in her!!!
--kurt swis ,United StatesI wd luv to suk her 4 hours!
--Santiago ,United StatesI would like to see her feet too!
--Luv Jizelle ,United StatesJizelle is absolutely beautiful and incredibly sexy! Please, let's see some pictures of her feet,too.
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