AKA: LizaBirthplace: United States
Location: New York City, New York, United States
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'4"(163cm)
Birthday:August 15
Added: Jan 21st 2010
Views: 40858
wauw she is pretty and very sexy, and a very sexy ass, i want sex with her.
--johnny ,NetherlandsAmazing!
--Dave ,United StatesJust imagine sucking on those dark nipples then rimming her pungent hole before fucking her and dumping a load deep in her rectum
--Dave ,Australiano es ninguna reina de belleza pero es muy muy sexy
--michael colombia ,ColombiaI'm likin, you girl,I'd lick the cum off your cockhead girl, so fuckin'sexy I want you!!!where are you now!?
--roaddogg ,United StatesBeatin' my meat hard to that sexy up shot pic of your fine ass,made me bust aload girl!!! P.S. This girl has been around by another name,she is so cute to me!
--roaddogg ,United StatesIve seen you before... often wonder'd what happend to you. Your my type... SEXY PRETTY FACE! AN THICK AS FUCK!!! You NEED TO COME BACK!!
--Chocolate boy wonder ,United StatesNice
--Hunter ,United StatesI can tell that her ass it so soft that when touch it you can feel her ass bone. Now that my friend is goooood ass pussy! Her dick will never get hard with me. She knows where her pussy is at. I want to toss that salad. Lick her asshole. I'm going to take you as you are. Honey. You are my sunshine.
--Dee14u ,United StatesMay I park my Ferrari in your garage? I'm only it out when it's sunny!
--Dee14u ,United StatesSo soft, feminine and lovely. I would love to be happily married to her. would love to make her smile and laugh. ,United StatesIts been a minute since i commented on you. Its not a day that goes by that i dont think of you. Not to sound weird i know you dont know me an vice versa.... if you ever see this... respond with a comment. I still want to exchange #'s
--BLACK STRANGER ,United StatesLiza is a gorgeous girl! Please show some updated pictures of this beautiful girl. Two years is way to long to go from seeing that sexy body. Please don't change a thing on that delicious body and bring it back so we can see it again please.
--Dreamer ,CanadaBaby,keep your cock on so I can wack your dick off!
--roaddogg ,United StatesI like your look.
--roaddogg ,United StatesJust saw your pics and your SEXY AS FUCK! You look soooo dam soft that just touching you would probably make you cum all over yourself. Pretty dick and balls also.... wifey material. That phat ass DRIVES ME CRAAAAZY HORNY! Bounce on my fat long dick anytime baby
--Black Stranger ,United StatesA very sexy girl. I would love to lick that sweet ass-pussy.
--Joe ,ColombiaDam i cant STOP looking at you your my type for real. I wish you would respond to me on here. I wanna give you my # i wanna put the voice to that beautiful face and body. Shiiiit you probably gotta man cuz a beautiful ass woman like you CANT be alone
--BLACK STRANGER ,United StatesAlrite im bac and checkin in to see whats new wit you. Im TELLING YOU! EVERY TIME I SEE YOU I JUS WANNA MAKE LOVE TO YOU DAM! YOU DO IT FOR ME! Bt anyway i need a another fix and i NEED IT NOW! LOL. Waiting on more pics with ya beautiful ass
--BLACK STRANGER ,United StatesI bac its me again i c u put sum more pics up. AN DAM! LIKE I SAID SMOKIN 4REAL! Dam i wish we could meet n date i wood definetly wife u dwn. Luv the new pics keepin cummin wit yo sexy ass
--DABLACKSTRANGER ,United StatesU need more pics QUIK! Ur beautiful wats the hold up baby?? Ur SMOKIN HOT! Got my dick over here stiff hard i gotta get a good nut nw
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